منتديات لغاتى التعليمية

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sweet_love 07-24-2008 02:21 PM

ِAffect / Effect

1) Affect

Affect is usually a verb meaning to influence

هي عادة تأتي على شكل فعل بمعنى يؤثر

Example: Cold weather affected the crops
The music affected him deeply


2) Effect

Effect is used as a noun meaning result or influence

هي إسم بمعنى نتيجة أو تأثير

ُExample: Exposure to the sun had the effect of toughening his skin

His protest had no effect

It is also used as a verb to mean to produce as a result or to cause

هي تأتي أيضا فعل بمعنى يحقق أو يسبب

Example: I will effect my purpose; no one shall stop me


More Examples

wrong: I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn't have any affect
correct: I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn't have any effect

wrong: Both buildings were badly effected by the fire
correct: Both buildings were badly affected by the fire

sweet_love 07-24-2008 02:21 PM

) Agree to

agree to means to to give consent. this means to agree to a plan

هي فعل بمعنى يوافق على خطة

example: He agreed to accompany the ambassador
Do you agree to the conditions
We agreed to her suggestion
2) Agree with

agree with is to agree with another person this means to have the same views

هي فعل بمعنى يتفق مع شخص ما

[left]Example: I don't agree with you
I agree with you on that

More Examples

wrong: Both sides in the conflict have agreed with the terms of the peace treaty
correct: Both sides in the conflict have agreed to the terms of the peace treaty

wrong: I agree to you on this issue
correct: I agree with you on this issue

sweet_love 07-24-2008 02:21 PM

Advice / Advise

) Advice
advice is a noun that means an opinion
هي إسم بمعني نصيحة
Example: The daughter asked her mother's advice
2) Advise
advise is a verb that means to give counsel
هي فعل بمعنى يسدي النصيحة
Example: The teacher advised her students to study well for the test
More Examples
wrong: Our solicitors have adviced that the costs could be enormous
correct: Our solicitors have advised that the costs could be enormous
wrong: Steven gave me some good advise
correct: Steven gave me some good advice

sweet_love 07-24-2008 02:22 PM

Accept / Except

1) Accept
accept is always a verb meaning agree
accept = هي فعل بمعنى يقبل أو يوافق
Example: The mother accepted her child's apology
Tom accepted the gift with pleasure
2) Except
except is sometimes a verb meaning to exclude. if it comes as a preposition, then it means excluding
except = قد تأتي فعل بمعنى ما عدا و قد تأتي حرف جر بمعنى إلاّ
Example: They all went to the party except me
Add all the number from 1 to 9 except 6
More Examples
wrong: They all except to go on a vacation
correct: They all accepted to go on a vacation
wrong: The museum is open daily accept Monday
correct: The museum is open daily except Monday

sweet_love 07-24-2008 02:22 PM

All together or Altogether

1) Altogether

Altogether is an adverb meaning completely, entirely
المعنى العربي: كلياً

Example: When he first saw the examination questions, he was altogether baffled
Altogether, I'm sorry it happened
2) All together

All together is a phrase meaning in a group
المعنى العربي: جميعاً
Example: The wedding guests were gathered all together in the garden
The prisoners were herded[u] all together[/U

More Examples
wrong: ِReem doesn't all together approve of me
correct: ِِReem doesn't altogether approve of me
wrong: We were altogether at the party
correct: We were all together at the party
wrong: There were all together 20 people at the dinner
correct: There were altogether 20 people at the dinner

sweet_love 07-24-2008 02:22 PM

All ready or Already

1) All ready
All ready is a phrase meaning completely prepared
المعنى العربي: جاهز تماماً

Example: As soon as I put my coat on, I’ll be all ready
Mr. Gates told us to give the signal when we are [u]all ready[/U

2) Already
Already is an adverb used to describe something that has happened before a certain time
ظرف زمان يدل على ان العمل قد تم قبل فترة معينة
Example: What do you mean you’d rather stay home? I’ve already got my coat on
When we came in, we found they had already arrived
More Examples
wrong: The children were all ready asleep when we got home
correct: The children were already asleep when we got home
wrong: When you are already, I will help you
correct: When you are all ready, I will help you
wrong: I had all ready gone when Tom arrived
correct: I had already gone when Tom arrived

sweet_love 07-24-2008 02:23 PM

) Principle
principle is a a noun only. It means a s rule, truth, or belief
كلمة تأتي دائما بشكل إسم و تعني قاعدة، حقيقة أو مبدأ
Remember that principle ends in -le like the word rule
and thus they have the same meaning
Example: Anna can describe the principles of air flight
Have you understood the principle of this problem
2) Principal
principal is either a noun or an adjective.
As a noun, it refers to the head of a school
كلمة تأتي على شكل إسم أو صفة. إذا جاءت في الجملة كإسم، فإنها تأتي بمعنى رئيس المدرسة
Example: Our school principal spoke to the parents
The principal parts of a verb are its basic forms
As an adjective, it means first or most important
أما إذا جاءت في الجملة كصفة فيصبح معناها الأول أو الأهم.
Example: The principal purpose of TV is to entertain
More Examples
wrong: She is a woman of high principals
correct: She is a woman of high [u]principles[/U


wrong: The newly appointed principle is Dad's freind
correct: The newly appointed principal is Dad's friend
wrong: Living things grow by the principal of cell division
correct: Living things grow by the principle of cell division
wrong: The speech of the principle will conclude the program
correct: The speech of the principal will conclude the program

sweet_love 07-24-2008 02:23 PM

) Whose
Whose is a possessive
هي كلمة تستعمل للسؤال أو الدلالة على الملكية
Example: Whose bike is this
المعنى: لمن هذه الدراجة؟ لمن هي Whose ي اللغة الانجليزية
2) Who's
Who's is a contraction meaning who is
هي عبارة عن كلمة السؤال who (أي من) و الفعل is
Example: Who's our teacher
من معلمنا؟
More Examples
correct: who's coming today
wrong: whose coming today
correct: whose turn is it
wrong: who's turn is it
correct: who's going with you
wrong: whose going with you
correct: whose shirt is this
wrong: who's shirt is this
ملاحظة هامة: ستلاحظ في جملة who's أنه لا يوجد فعل مساعد (am, is , are, was, were)
لأن الفعل موجود أساسا في (s') بـ (who's) كما في I know who's right.
أما في جملة whose يجب أن يكون هناك فعل لأن whose لا تتضمن فعل
مثلا whose paper is this

sweet_love 07-24-2008 02:23 PM

It's or Its

) It's
It's is a contraction meaning it is
هي عبارة عن فاعل it و فعل is
example: It's my favorite book
يعني المتكلم في هذه الجملة عن كتاب سبق التحدث عنه بأنه كتابه المفضل. it هنا تعود للكتاب و 's تعود للفعل is
2) Its
its is a possessive pronoun like his , your or my
its هي ضمير للملكية للأشياء غير العاقل فقط
example: Its color is red
لونه أحمر أي أن هناك شيء يعنيه المتكلم لونه أحمر. الهاء في لونه هي its في الانجليزية--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

more examples
correct: Its leaves are green
wrong: It's leaves are green
correct: It's Tom's idea
wrong: Its Tom's idea
correct: what is its name
wrong: what is it's name
correct: It's going to snow today
wrong: Its going to snow today
correct: It's beautiful
wrong: its beautiful
please note that with the sentences with it's there is no other verb
because we already have a verb which is 's
but with its we should have a verb in the sentence because the s here is not a verb

ملاحظة الجملة التي تتضمن its لا يوجد فيها فعل آخر لأن 's هي الفعل أما في جملة its فيجب أن يكون هناك فعل
لأن its ضمير و الضمير لا يغني عن ف

sweet_love 07-24-2008 02:24 PM

When we talk about the two words between and among, we have to put in mind that these two words are prepositions of place and both have the same meaning
هما حرفا جر للمكان تعنيان "بين"
Now we come to our point, where is the difference between these two words?
الآن وصلنا إلى النقطة الأساسية، أين وجه الاختلاف بين هاتين الكلمتين؟
Between in used to tell the place of something that is in the middle of two things
يعني هذه الكلمة نستعملها عندما نريد ان نحدد مكان شيء يقع بين غرضيْن أو مكانيْن أو شخصين أو مجموعتين من الأشياء
Example 1: Ahmad is sitting between Ali and Fadi.
أي أن أحمد يجلس بين شخصين هما علي و فادي.
Example 2: The river is between the houses and the trees.
النهر يقع بين البيوت و الأشجار.
Example 3: I saw a cat hiding between the two boxes.
رأيت قطة تختبئ بين الصندوقيْن.
As for “among”, we use this word to tell the place of
something within three things or more.
تستعمل “among” لتحديد مكان شيء يقع بين ثلاثة أو أكثر من الأشياء أو الأشخاص أو الأماكن إلخ...

Example 1: Ahmad is sitting among his friends. (friends = more than 2)
أحمد يجلس بين رفاقه.
Example 2: There was a cat hiding among the trees
كان هناك قطة تختبئ بين الأشجار.
Example 3: “Mahjong” was among the games I downloaded today.
“Mahjong” كانت من بين الألعاب التي قمت بتنزيلها اليوم.

That’s all for today and see you later with another grammar rule and I hope you like it. Plz tell me what do u think of today’s lesson

الساعة الآن 02:37 AM بتوقيت مسقط

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