المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الفرق بين Since and For

07-14-2009, 11:52 AM
Since منذ

For لمدة

I have worked at this hospital for five years.

I haven't seen my friend since 1999.

He has studyied English since 1998.

They have waited for us at the airport for an hour.

SINCE + the beginning of the time . تأتي مع بداية الوقت

FOR + the duration of the time . تأتي مع طول المدة


1-I haven't seen my friend Ahmed since 1998.

2- I have worked in this company since 1995.

3-We have been in Benghazi since my birth .

4- She has waited for her friend since 5 o'clock .

5- He hasn't been to the sea since last summer.


1-I haven't been to Tripoli for 3 years .

2-She has worked hard for the whole year .

3-Ali has waite