المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : the transitive and intrasitive verbs

10-20-2008, 03:08 PM
One classification of verbs in english language is the transitive and intrasitive verbs

transitive verb

is the verb that is followed by a noun or pronoun that tells who or what received the action of that verb. that noun or pronoun is called the object

to know the object ask "what for things" or "whom for people"

Example 1: The boy etas an apple
The boy eats what? an apple
apple = object
transitive = eats

Example 2: Lama is reading a book
lama is reading what? a book
a book = object
is reading = transitive

Example 3: The policeman helped us
The policeman helped whom? us
us = object
helped = transitive

Intaransitive Verb
are verbs that do not have objects. this means that the verb didnt need more than the subject to fullfill the meaning


Example 1: I depend on you
depend = intransitive because it is followed by a preposition and not an object

Example 2: Ali listens
listens = intranstive because it is not followed by any object

Example 3: Hala is a nice girl
is = verb
nice = adjective

is = intransitive because it is followed by an adjective and not a noun

طموح عالي
10-21-2008, 02:59 AM
thank you very much

اسير الصمت22
10-28-2008, 10:43 PM
thank you so much